Ponderosa Consulting

Strategic planning for your law school applications

Ponderosa Consulting provides a highly specialized service, designed to help craft your unique admissions strategy. We will help you identify target schools, outline application requirements, (both explicit and implicit) and construct a cohesive narrative for your application. Best of all, our services are offered for a flat fee of only $100 per client.

Backed by empirical data and a generous money-back guarantee, clients can feel secure that their investment will be worthwhile.

Our Process


We schedule a free 30 minute phone call to discuss the particulars of your law school and career goals. Then, you decide if you want to proceed. If so, you submit a flat-fee payment of $100.


We employ our extensive knowledge of admissions data and employment outcomes to craft a unique strategy report - personalized for your goals - in a format that is easy to understand.


We schedule a follow up 30 minute phone call to discuss the content of your report & answer your questions. Down the road, we remain available to answer any more clarifying questions.


You approach your admissions cycle with a comprehensive plan and confidence. This promise is guaranteed by our flexible money-back agreement.


The Mission:

Law School Admissions is a confusing process. With our simple, affordable, and effectively risk-free service, you can tackle this challenge with a cohesive narrative and empirically sound strategic plan. In writing.