Garrett Shaw presenting Lone Star Community College with a Certificate of Congressional Recognition on behalf of U.S. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, accompanied by Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner.

About Us

Ponderosa Consulting was founded in early 2022 by Garrett Shaw. Garrett has hundreds of hours of experience tutoring pre-law students at his alma mater in matters ranging from advanced LSAT techniques to personal statement editing. After first becoming acquainted with the LSAT almost four years ago, Garrett became obsessed with the science of law school admissions, spending countless nights pouring over charts and raw data. Garrett founded Ponderosa Consulting to put his extensive knowledge of the complex admissions landscape to work. Ponderosa Consulting provides an affordable, streamlined entry point for the historically unintuitive law school admissions process in an effort to make the system more accessible.

In his free time, Garrett enjoys watching baseball and hiking. He has summitted the highest mountains in 40 out of the 50 U.S. states.

Garrett received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Rice University. He is a current JD candidate at Georgetown University Law Center.